ECO NFT Support Group list up!!!
Good day everyone, this is ESG Financial!!!
First of all, we would like to sincerely thank you for such active participation in our events and support in the development of ESG Financial.
We are happy to announce, that:
-ECO NFT is recruiting Support Group application being live on July 16–17 is closed. However, due to big volume of applicants, ESG Financial Management has decided to increase the Support group from 20 members to 27 members.
We congratulate the winners, airdrop [PINO NFT 1ea] will be held shortly:
I. How to activate PINO NFT on metamask wallet!
- In Metamask wallet [mobile] go to the NFT section
2.1 Enter contract address:
2.2 Enter NFT ID:[ex: #20079]
Airdropped PINO NFT can be staked on ECO MARKET so to mine ESG ERC-20 token.
Support Group list up:
Twitter ID/NFT ID
- @mezger75 — #20079
- @Li_Mariya_Choi — #20078
3. @njchoi35 — #20077
4. @Victoria181116 — #20076
5. @oliver9choi — #20075
6. @kj36h9 — #20074
7. @Crypto63517728 — #20073
8. @kobuki88 — #20072
9. @plugin1992 — #20071
10. @XkHjTGudWy64IWr — #20070
11. @phj3024 — #20069
12. @chunzayo — #20068
13. @Noblessejy — #20067
14. @se36h9 — #20066
15. @4NqaFj4OTEcbo2n — #20065
16. @sangbin4023 — #20064
17. @shinjay80 — #20063
18. @jiwon4028 — #20062
19. @gogossi678 — #20061
20. @gjung5945 — #20060
21. @imsungsuda — #20059
22. @Minmsook — #20058
23. @sungmin2150 — #20057
24. @hoypoy777 — #20056
25. @gmim85 — #20055
26. @hojin5737 — #20054
27. @cryptopiazi — #20053